Centuria Tech

Database Administration

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As a database administrator, you'll be responsible for the performance, integrity and security of a database. However, depending on the organisation and your level of responsibility, the role can vary from inputting information through to total management of data.

Different businesses will have different database needs and diverse requirements. In hospitals for example, databases will record patient information, whilst private companies are more likely to store customer details, sales records and more. This information is used to structure and organise the business, deliver target marketing and services and design business strategies.

Depending on your level of responsibility, typical tasks may include:

Assisting in database design
Updating and amending existing databases
Setting up and testing new database and data handling systems
Monitoring database efficiency
Sustaining the security and integrity of data
Creating complex query definitions that allow data to be extracted
Training colleagues in how to input and extract data

Increasingly, the role of a database administrator is defined by the particular processes and capabilities of the database management system in place.